Table of Contents
1 Global
1.1 Base
@startuml // Params // UMLs @enduml
1.2 Comment
' Single-line comment /' Block comment '/
1.3 Annotations
1.3.1 Syntax
title|caption <Text> title|caption <Text> <Text> endtitle|endcaption legend [left|right|center] <Text> <Text> endlegend [left|right|center] header|footer <Text> [left|right|center] header|footer <Text> <Text> endheader|endfooter
1.3.2 Example
title This Is Title caption This is caption legend This is legend endlegend right header This is header left footer This is footer endfooter (Node A) -> (Node B)
1.4 note
1.4.1 Syntax
// Directly below an entity <style> note <side> : <text> <style> floating // Available in activity diagram
1.4.2 Example
(Node A) note left : This is a node (Node B) note right : This is another node
2 Sequence
2.1 Participants
2.1.1 Syntax
<type> <name> <options> <name> // Single word doesn't need "" // Multiple words, or name containing non-letter characters need to be wrapped in "" // Insert line breaks with "\n" <options> as <alias> <bg_color> <color_name> // E.g. #red <color_hex> // E.g. #FFFFFF order <int> // Custom order, otherwise sorted by declaration order <type> participant // Default type, can be skipped actor boundary control entity database collections
2.1.2 Example
participant A participant "Participant with\nlong name" as B actor Actor #red boundary Boundary #FFFFFF control Control entity Entity database Database collections Collections
2.2 Messages
2.2.1 Syntax
<name>|<alias> <arrow> <name>|<alias> : <message> <name>|<alias> // Can be the same participant, to send message to itself <arrow> <line> - // Solid line -- // Dotted line <head> left right < > // Normal << >> // Thin / \ // Upper half \ / // Lower half // \\ // Thin upper half \\ // // Thin lower half x< >x // Change arrow to cross (lost message) o< >o // Add circle, can combine with other styles <direction> -> etc. // Unidirection <-> etc. // Bidirection <message> // Insert line breaks with "\n"
2.2.2 Example 1
actor User participant Service User -> User : Message\nto self User -> Service : Message to other participant User <- Service User --> Service User <-- Service
2.2.3 Example 2
participant "Participant A" as A participant "Participant B" as B A -> B A ->> B A -\ B A -/ B A -\\ B A -// B A ->x B A ->>o B A o//-//x B
3 Component
3.1 Example
!include <aws/common> !include <aws/general/users/users> skinparam DefaultTextAlignment center skinparam rectangle { RoundCorner<<round>> 20 } skinparam agent<<users>> { BackgroundColor transparent Shadowing false } hide stereotype database "\nData\nWarehouse\n" as DW database "\nS3\nData Bucket\n\n" as S3 database "\nMySQL RDS\n Instance\n\n" as RDS rectangle "\nFooBarETL\n(FOO-BAR-ETL-*)\n" as ETL rectangle "\nFooBarWebsite\n(FOO-BAR-WEBSITE)\n" as WEB rectangle "FooBarService" as SERVICE rectangle "" <<round>> as URL USERS(USER, " ") DW -> ETL ETL --> S3 ETL --> RDS S3 --> WEB RDS --> WEB SERVICE -> WEB WEB --> URL URL -left-> USER
4 Mind Map
4.1 Syntax
@startmindmap + <Root> ++ <Text> // Each level indents 1 char ++ <Text> // Branch to right -- <Text> // Branch to left ---_ <Text> // Boxless @endmindmap
4.1.1 Example
+ OS ++ Ubuntu +++_ Kubuntu +++_ Lubuntu +++_ KDE Neon +++_ Linux Mint ++ LMDE ++ SolydXK ++ SteamOS ++ Raspbian -- Win 95 -- Win 98 -- Win NT ---_ Win 8 ---_ Win 10
5 Work Breakdown Structure
5.1 Syntax
+ <Root> + <Text> // Each level indents 1 space + <Text> // Branch to right - <Text> // Branch to left + <Text> +_ <Text> // Branch to right, boxless -_ <Text> // Branch to left, boxless
5.2 Example
@startwbs + Project + Part One + Task 1.1 - Task 1.2 + Task 1.3 + Part Two + Task 2.1 + Task 2.2 -_ Task 2.2.1 To the left, boxless -_ Task 2.2.2 To the left, boxless +_ Task 2.2.3 To the right, boxless + Part Three @endwbs
6 Graphviz DOT
6.1 Syntax
@startdot diagraph <Name> { ... } @enddot
7 Params
7.1 Style
skinparam monochrome true|reverse skinparam shadowing true|false
7.2 Font
skinparam defaultfontname "<font_name>" skinparam defaultfontsize <int>
7.3 Line
skinparam linetype ortho|polyline
7.4 Component
skinparam <component> { <param> <value> }
skinparam rectangle { roundcorner 10 }
7.5 Stereotype
hide stereotype // Hide all stereotypes show <<foo>> stereotype // Show specific stereotypes as exceptions
8 Install
brew install graphviz brew install plantuml